Friday, June 1, 2018


asemic writing by DakDaak (2018)

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Proof Copies of '100 Hybrids' by Jefferson Hansen are in | Post-Asemic Press #007

Jeff and I are very excited with how great 100 Hybrids (asemic writing mixed with poetry) turned out! All we are waiting for now are some blurbs to add to the book. 100 Hybrids will be available for purchase sometime in late July or early August. It will cost $12.00 and be distributed through Amazon. Here is the first blog entry about 100 Hybrids:

Below is the 2nd poem in the book:

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

push down&turn, chapman, 2018

The select drawings from PushDown&Turn 2018 are stamped with the lid of a child proof bottle. The background is a vivid, very un-subtle, camouflage design detail because consumerism is a battleground. It is overwritten in asemic writing. So what’s the message?
...for more go here...

asemic zines exhibition Arnhem

here are some pictures of the current asemic zines exhibition at the zinelibrary in Arnhem the Netherlands. (
The show runs until the end of this month.
Thanks to all contributors!

posters of some of the parasitic action of philip nixon on this blog

Tim Gaze