
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I'm getting the Post-Asemic Press web site up and running and other PAP news!

Click here to visit the new shop:

I will still use the blog for more in-depth information about PAP. But I am getting to the point where the blog was becoming too over crowded, and I just needed some more (cyber)space, along with creating a more user friendly experience for readers/viewers.  

In other news:

Magazine: The Cut-Up Asemics by Scott Helmes will be published in early November of 2019. Scott and I are going to enter it into the 2019 Minnesota book awards. There will be more info about this title in the coming weeks. But it's basically cut-up magazine letters combined with expressive asemic calligraphy.

I also interviewed Marilyn R. Rosenberg about her new book FALSE FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED. It will appear in the next issue of Utsanga. In the interview we discuss book art, her life, and her asemic calligraphy works.

The Cecil Touchon Asemic Reader is out now! It's one of the best books ever published coming from the asemic movement! It visually dances for the eyes and the mind, and summarizes Touchon's unique artistic career in asemics dating all the way back to the 1970s. It's the first full color work to be published by PAP, and It's available around the world at Amazon, and will be available soon in October 2019 at the shop at Minnesota Center for Book Arts. 

Looking with clear eyes into spring of 2020, PAP will be releasing GLITCHASEMICS by Marco Giovenale. It's a fantastic work of glitched asemic writing displayed in full color. The book will also contain an extensive foreword by Michael Betancourt  discussing Giovenale's unique blending of asemic poetry and glitch art. Expect it to drop from PAP in April 2020.

That's all! Happy reading!

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