Wednesday, September 28, 2011

doodles published in 1937

these are from a Life magazine article, about the book Everybody's Pixillated.

seeing the Sunni Brown video made me think of these.

I noticed only 1 female among the doodlers.

convolute 1

Giulia Lamoni, saggio nel catalogo "Linea Mentis" [Galleria Raffaella De Chirico, 2011]

Testo di Giulia Lamoni per il catalogo di "LINEA MENTIS", mostra di Irma Blank, Eva Sørensen, Gaspare
Febbraio 2011, @ Raffaella De Chirico Galleria d’Arte (Torino)
[grazie all'autrice e a Raffaella De Chirico
per aver concesso di ripubblicare il testo, leggibile anche a questo indirizzo]

asemic movement, issue 3 (may 2010)

asemic movement is edited & published by Tim Gaze, tg @ asemic . net
originally hosted by СЛОВА (SLOVA) literary journal & Mycelium project:
May 2010
This version: Sept. 2011

poems 2011 017a

poems 2011 017a by jim leftwich
poems 2011 017a, a photo by jim leftwich on Flickr.

poems 2011 018a

poems 2011 018a by jim leftwich
poems 2011 018a, a photo by jim leftwich on Flickr.

poems 2011 019a

poems 2011 019a by jim leftwich
poems 2011 019a, a photo by jim leftwich on Flickr.

poems 2011 020a

poems 2011 020a by jim leftwich
poems 2011 020a, a photo by jim leftwich on Flickr.

poems 2011 016a

poems 2011 016a by jim leftwich
poems 2011 016a, a photo by jim leftwich on Flickr.

poems 2011 018b

poems 2011 018b by jim leftwich
poems 2011 018b, a photo by jim leftwich on Flickr.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Skate roller

would words work

pictographic scribbles at flickr

Julia Schuster's photos in the scribble collection:

asemic movement, issue 2 (feb. 2008)

asemic movement is edited & published by Tim Gaze, tg @ asemic . net
& hosted by Vugg Books,
where no author is specified, the words were written by Tim Gaze
first edition: February 2008

asemic movement, issue 1 (jan. 2008)

asemic movement is edited & published by Tim Gaze, tg @ asemic . net
& hosted by Vugg Books,
where no author is specified, the words were written by Tim Gaze
first edition: January 2008

The Title