Showing posts with label marc van elburg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marc van elburg. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2017

programming with grawlixes #4

here's a copy of Programming with Grawlixes #4 (Grawlixes are the little scribbles and sometimes asemic writings that appear in cartoons when a character runs into an unexpected event).
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Programming with Grawlixes#4 takes a closer look at the historical relation between early modernist abstract art and comics with Grawlixes. Takes a first step towards applying game theory to cartoons with Grawlixes. Looks at Brain Functions in relation with Grawlixes. And also includes some pages on the meaning of time in cartoons with Grawlixes. Feel free to comment.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Grawlixes and the Spiritual in Art

I just finished Programming with Grawlixes #3
Grawlixes and the Spiritual in Art
You can read it online here;

It is often said that the period of Pop-art in the 1950’s and 60’s was also the period that unified comics and art.
This zine suggests a different relation;
Just like Humans do not come from apes but descend from a common ancestor, comics and early modernist art likewise share a common ancestor.

see also;

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Programming with Grawlixes 2/ asemic writing in comics.

here's part two of my series on grawlixes and non objective drawing.
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While I was working on this  I stumbled on some cartoons with asemic writing.
I think it is quite funny to see the different ways they are used to convey meaning.

Asemic writing as ‘bird sounds’.
 (peanuts; Charles M.Schulz)

Asemic writing as an interpretation of foreign language that the character can’t understand.
Bringing up father; George Mcmanus (1927)

 Asemic writing as alien language,
 apparently  an unknown frequency  for a different type of receptor

Mickey Mouse and Eega Beeva; Bill Wash and Floyd Gottfredson (1947)

Asemic writing as an indicator for brain damage, possibly in the brocca area, maybe Wernicke's aphasia where a person speaks normally but uses random or invented words; leaves out key words; substitutes words or verb tenses, pronouns, or prepositions; and utters sentences that do not make sense. (wikipedia)
Alley oop; V.T.Hamlin (1973)

see also;

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Programming with Grawlixes

Hello all;
Here's my new zine.
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Grawlixes; also known as @#!!%, or %$#?@!!, Emanata, Obscenicons or Symbol-swearing pop up in cartoons when a character is expressing frustration, agitation or anger.
There are many contradictions surrounding Grawlixes; they are used to replace profanities to escape censorship laws, but they are also used in countries where censorship or taboo are not an issue.
Not only do they appear where a character curses, but the same shapes appear when someone is sick, feels pain, dizziness confusion and many other occasions.
This zine will clarify some of the confusion and show what Grawlixes are and when and how they come to be.

The relation between Grawlixes and Asemic writing is evident in the Obstensibly Obliterated epithets.

Feel free to comment.

see also;

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Risk One: Never get out there; can't find the wilderness. The Risk of Stagnation.
Risk two: Never come back; lost in the wilderness. The Risk of Insanity.
Risk three: Go full circle (and take audience with). The risk of Completion. (Evan Parker )

Some thoughts on improvisational drawing, motor control and paradox.

Common coding theory states that perception and production are generally coupled in the motor system,
It suggests for instance that  people perceive spoken words by identifying the vocal tract gestures with which they are pronounced rather than by identifying the sound patterns that speech generates.

Assuming that perception and production are linked in this way; How does  paradox manifest itself in the motor system?

The muscular system exists of antagonist(stretching) and agonist (bending) muscles
A paradoxical instruction could co-activate antagonistic muscles and create a freeze or immobilisation of the limbs.

What kind of effect might this co-activating of antagonistic muscles have on  free or improvisational drawing?

1.EVERSIVE (escaping completion)
Antagonists (quadriceps and the hamstrings)  are simultaneously active when you arise from sitting.
This co-activation of two antagonistic muscles is known as Lombard's paradox.
The limbs don’t freeze because the extensor moment  exceeds the flexor moment..
Here  paradox brings about a fundamental change (from a passive to an active state).
So if a drawing based on  instruction or method ends up in a passive state after it went ‘full circle’ the paradox could maybe offer some kind of escape.

2.INVERSIVE (back from the wilderness)
Blocking the wrist shifts movement control back to the elbow,
 freezing elbow and wrist shifts it to the shoulder etc..
Consider this quote from Greogory Bateson; “Ashby has added a new facet in pointing out that to prevent change in the superficial variables is to promote change in the more profound.”(Bateson, G., Bateson, MC. (1988). Angels Fear:)
Freezing the wrist when drawing will probably result in decreasing variables of a line, and thereby  automatically direct attention towards a more basic or fundamental pattern.


( + ) active muscle
( _ ) relaxed muscle
+_antagonist, _+agonist

+antagonist, +antagonist

(escape completion)


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


elaborating on Gerhard Rühm's 'pencil music' on ubuweb.
"The pencil-sound piece did not always remain the by-product of the dominating drawing-process. The dynamics of the sound sequence in its turn often influenced the development of the drawing and determined it significantly"

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Coupled oscillations

 J.M. Hollerbach constructing a mechanical arm that can produce handwriting;
" Coupled oscillations in horizontal and vertical directions produce letter forms, and when superimposed on a rightward constant velocity horizontal sweep result in spatially separated letters. Modulation of the vertical oscillation is responsible for control of letter height, either through altering the frequency or altering the acceleration amplitude. Modulation of the horizontal oscillation is responsible for control of corner shape through altering phase or amplitude."

the effect of phase shift on the velocity space ellipse.

I suspect that in a lot of asemic writings the 'rightward constant velocity horizontal sweep' is replaced by a variable sweep with a variable velocity.

Here's a machine with a vertical oscillation and a chaotic horizontal kick that causes a short phase shift, superimposed  on a rightward constant velocity square sweep.

Automatisering van de vaste hand

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ran dumb Lee; dumping chunks of vital war guns

 Notepad glitch;
 Randomly dumping big chuncks of code.

noise vs glitch  
Wordpad glitch;
  code poluted with surplus of untranslated code.

 datamosh animated GIF 2  
Datamosh ([deleted]HEX strings );
 Systematically removing vital organs/ key frames.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Downhill Asemics; madness on the continuum

 Kurt Schwitters, step by step removes all syntactic structure from the text.

 Kurt Schwitters to the Swiss Dadaist Arp. Blackberries (2)

belivered pra! 
 first I say why?
 why does one use upper case and lower case? i use only lower case. then I say why? why does one punctuate i write everything without punctuationthen i ask why why does one use umlauts i won't be straight diacritical henceforth i will write zurich ful- fills seclusion personal carryover and then i remember the old phrase from mathematics namely that it does not matter in which order i add respect multiply and now i write vole instead of love because love needs voles to love voles and finally now will  giveup the or derofwordsamongthemselvesbywritingonlyo
egiantwordorwhilemorewrotitsoladinorthographyisnaturallyunimportantandsenseigiveupinfavorofnonsenseandthustheitsheklmnopqrsutabelgikemaminopetroleumplaguekakrrkrrksrsto-pitonobilamenteyakkaanteelinguekitonpausbacrocodilemmadiemadilemma *)

*)Here the typographer went stark raving mad and threatened a general strike,  should he be forced to set any more Kuhgewitter (Cowweather).
(from; Pppppp: Kurt Schwitters Poems, Performance, Pieces, Proses, Plays, Poetics )

Charles Crumb removes all distinguishability between letters and reduces punctuation.

A next logical step towards total insanity might be  to remove spacing and expression, reducing the text to a line-based grid
 __________  __________
 ______  ______________
 ___________________  _

However I'd say the real difference between Crumb and Schwitters here is that Schwitters is frisky jumping up and down the continuum whereas Crumb is forever glued to a fixed point.

see also;