Showing posts with label Cece Chapman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cece Chapman. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Asemic Maps / Cece Chapman, 2021

 Asemic Maps, 


Where Is Virgil When You Need Him?

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita.


The Asemic Journey: Being Lost, Mostly

The Asemic Map, or Welcome to the camp. I guess we all know why we're here.

Chasing Flags

The Bolgia for Astrologers

The Day the Music Died

Sunday, November 8, 2020

myopia, the alphabet soup of the well-defined suddenly un (with Cece Chapman) / EZE, 2020


from Cece Chapman: "out those maps too...especially interesting because of the myopic artists that are never mentioned...but i read a long time ago that monks became monks because of their myopia. that priestesses also in ancient egypt and greece, the most nearsighted the more inbred, the more valuable because they could barely see. their prophecies were valued more as they were less influenced by who was before them asking questions because they couldn't see them. and blind priests and priestesses more valuable...also i had heard the same that the very young being trained by renaissance artists drew detail (like maps and bibles ordered by the rich) to train but as they grew older lost the ability to stay focused and draw detail but was probably their eyes changing. maybe you know what a rapidograph pen is with various points some very tiny used in graphic design. but when i was in school at 16-18 the artist kids used to draw psychedelic designs, and very small details, but later admitted at mid twenties they just couldn't do it anymore."