First; Kurt Schwitters, step by step removes all syntactic structure from the text. Kurt Schwitters to the Swiss Dadaist Arp. Blackberries (2) belivered pra! first I say why? why does one use upper case and lower case? i use only lower case. then I say why? why does one punctuate i write everything without punctuationthen i ask why why does one use umlauts i won't be straight diacritical henceforth i will write zurich ful- fills seclusion personal carryover and then i remember the old phrase from mathematics namely that it does not matter in which order i add respect multiply and now i write vole instead of love because love needs voles to love voles and finally now will giveup the or derofwordsamongthemselvesbywritingonlyoegiantwordorwhilemorewrotitsoladinorthographyisnaturallyunimportantandsenseigiveupinfavorofnonsenseandthustheitsheklmnopqrsutabelgikemaminopetroleumplaguekakrrkrrksrsto-pitonobilamenteyakkaanteelinguekitonpausbacrocodilemmadiemadilemma *)*)Here the typographer went stark raving mad and threatened a general strike, should he be forced to set any more Kuhgewitter (Cowweather).
(from; Pppppp: Kurt Schwitters Poems, Performance, Pieces, Proses, Plays, Poetics )
Then;Charles Crumb removes all distinguishability between letters and reduces punctuation.
A next logical step towards total insanity might be to remove spacing and expression, reducing the text to a line-based grid
_____________________ __________ __________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ______ ______________ ___________________ _ _
_____________________ However I'd say the real difference between Crumb and Schwitters here is that Schwitters is frisky jumping up and down the continuum whereas Crumb is forever glued to a fixed point.
see also;