Value by Fable
Animal and Insect, Behavior Valued
Value by Fable
Animal and Insect, Behavior Valued
Coherence Theory with Reference to Truth
Coherent Topoi
Sticky and Non-Sticky Variants Thereby
Which end of the workflow is art?
Is it the beginning, the middle, and/or the end?
But art is generally thought of as the end of the workflow, i.e., the product.
Yet art is always about forming.
Forming is often giving a start and/or giving an end, but forming might just as well be the always middle.
How well are we able to formulate the always middle?
We usually formulate the middle as the end:
Another Take
When Not Finding Formulas or When the Default is Art:
Asemic Writing versus the Motto of the OEIS: "If You Can't Solve It, Make Art".
Types of engagement: participatory, non-participatory, ... .
Types of participatory reading and interpretation ... : collaborative, adversarial, ... .
What arises with gap? Usually, question.
Where do the questions go?
Close Reading
Gap Analysis
A gap does not constitute a dialectic.
A gap tends to overwork the dialectical process, causing dialectic to fail, when the linking action (often, logic) is somehow insufficient.
A gap tends to make a process partial, especially a dialectical process, which, in turn, makes the completion of said process non-immediate.
A gap often leads to misdirection and/or an unsatisfactory sense of connection.
Asemic Gap/Vacuum of Meaning
Non-Authoritative Instruction?
Status in a Community?
Context versus Comprehension
Skip to Here
Coherent ~ Incoherent
{After the Process Is Mapped, ... }
Comprehension Is Not Required, but Context Is
Intelligence as the Speed to Solution
(Knowable Input, Knowable Output, and the Speed Invented)
Some Comprehension Required
(Human in the Loop)
Comprehension Required
Intelligence as the Need for Solution
(Usable Input, Usable Output)
Toward Reason?
The Discoverers
AI AI AI, Lucy
Analytic Failure
Methodological Rigor
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer’s horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.
from Musee des Beaux Arts by W.H. Auden
The devil hath power t'assume a pleasing shape
Text in Flux
Image Maintenance
Icon Asemic Mao
Shrinkage Before Shrinkflation (Sort Of)
The (Last Few) Year(s) of Shrinkflation