Friday, February 28, 2025

Asemics as the Value of Sacrifice and of Sentiment / EZE, 2025

 Asemics as the Value of Sacrifice and of Sentiment 

1) The first principle of a rationalist theory of value currently in play follows Ayn Rand and Objectivist philosophy, and it is fundamental to creating asemics: Deny sacrifice, especially, self-sacrifice, as meaningful. Note that meaning here plays to a context of rationality. The self-sacrifice, this irrational act, becomes the asemic.

2) Enact a business model to interpret human behavior as rational or not. For example, enact a business model to manage the legal system. Everything thereby tends to become negotiable whether it is or not. The not becomes the asemic. Rule of law passes to the bid. Justice passes to the aggressor.

3) Develop a categorical imperative that divides the world into winners and losers. Losers are those people who have sacrificed themselves for a claim of a good of some sort. Servants are losers who work for the common good. Winners are those people who serve their self-interest, i.e., their own ends. The losers are the asemic, and the winners have meaning, at least of the photo opportunity sort.

4) In contradistinction to Ayn Rand, who was atheist, re-make religion, especially Christianity, as a means to a different end. For example, re-make Christianity as a Prosperity Gospel as the end desired of this religion is something other than self-sacrifice. Such a re-make, of course, also destroys the religion.

5) Consider loss and the like as something akin to an insurance claim where insurance has no value for sentiment, which thereby becomes asemic, and the pay-out for the claim is replacement value, asemic value excluded. But what potential does this asemic value then acquire? politically, socially, ... otherwise?

6) Preserve the asemic in emojis, but look to the icon of the negotiation table as that which remains of shared meaning among communities otherwise a-communal.



Wednesday, February 26, 2025

dlr 54 / Dave Read. 2025


An Asemics of Steven Pinker / EZE, 2025

Language as an Experience of Sense and of Affect 

  • Imagine Language as an Experience of Language

  • Imagine Language on the Way to Meaning ~ Imagine Language on the Way to a Question of Language 

  • As [__________] Called into Question, imagine Asemics as a Question of Affect (or Lack Thereof) in Relation to a Sense of [*]



Language Instinct



Stephen Pinker 

Other than Pinker

Making Adjustments

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Asemic Hermeneutics / EZE, 2025

Toward Defining Hermeneutics



Truth and Method

Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning

To Each Its Own Meaning

Charles Taylor




Hermeneutic Ontology


A First Note



A re-situation of meaning

Often, devoid of context

Ahistorical disjunction, for instance

Value here is not value there

Value is not necessarily emergent

Circle of Meaning




Meaning almost anything

Meaning near to nothing





Sunday, January 26, 2025

mulu / EZE, 2025


Maps in Place of Proofs? / EZE, 2025


Represent It


Hassler Whitney

Map It Represented

Partial Mapping

Partial Mapping, the Program

Map That Which Is Not Represented by Math, One Take

Take Two, an Example Other Than an Irrational Number

Math as Data

Concept Plus Calculation

More from Terence Tao and Friends

Analytic Number Theory Exponent Database

Wolfram Data Repository

Does Not Compute? Include It

Map That Which Math Cannot Represent




Map the Connections

Map the Answers

Automated Conjecture

Map the Map Maps

A Map

The Library of Babel


Concept Maps

Concept Maps




Proof Compute

Parameterization as a Means of Limiting Applicability Rather than Demonstrating Error

Law of Small Numbers

Mechanical Mind / EZE, 2025

Model Definitions

What is a Model?

Mechanistic Philosophy

Mechanism in Locke

Mechanism in Science

Symbol versus Statistic

Mechanistic versus Statistic

The New Mechanical Philosophy


Mind Machine

Anti-Mechanistic Computation: Computers Don't Compute


Non-Mechanistic Understanding


The Definition of Intelligence

On Relation

 On Dawkins

Computational Mis-Model


A Digression on Mechanism versus Function


Ecosystem Mind

On Bateson

Not a Computer

Your Mind Is an Ecosystem

Fractal Brain


Melissa Kirsch

Eric J Larson

Eric J Larson

ion / EZE, 2025


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Saturday, January 18, 2025

robust / EZE, 2025


Continuance / EZE, 2025





Ship of Theseus

Answers before the problem.


Aristotle's Four Causes as Three Aspects of Being: 

Material (Material), Form (Form), Function (Efficient, Final)

Note that efficient cause (how) and final cause (why) are combined in the definition of function so as to make the definition of function more elastic.

1) Material change does not necessarily change the form nor does it necessarily change the function of something.

2) Formal change does not necessarily require material change nor does it necessarily require functional change.

3) Functional change does not necessarily require material change nor does it necessarily require formal change.

The Ship of Theseus

The Ship of Theseus

As roles are often an encapsulation of function, here is one approach to change(s) in material condition(s):

A cargo cult and a sculptor and a baker and a shipbuilder and an engineer ... may give form to something, but the materiality of that form often determines its possible function.

A cargo cult and a sculptor and a baker and a shipbuilder and an engineer ... may have a sense of function as such, but the material conditions of an enacted function often determine its effectiveness.

With this approach, one answer to the problem posed by the Ship of Theseus starts with the answer to this question: which aspect(s) of the being of the ship are allowed to change before we consider the ship changed?

Indeed, which aspect(s) of the being are allowed to change before we consider being itself changed?

Note on Aspects of Figuration: For additional analysis, we might want to consider the space the ship occupies, whether that space be a virtual space or a non-virtual space, as this space impacts our consideration of the being of the ship. Of course, time matters too. See Locke and Kant and Husserl ... .

Theory of Composition

an irony

Jacob and Esau


an irony

Rudyard Kipling

Lin-Manual Miranda

Continuance as Thrown

Tense and Aspect

Modal Aspects of Being



Aspect Continuance

Aspect = Community, Continuance = Survival

Planned Obsolescence

Forecasting This ... 

Ecology helps us understand the material relation of being to its environment, but it generally concerns living being.

Though we do not always consider ~inanimate~ beings such as ships as part of an ecology (i.e., as being with ecological aspect(s)), perhaps we should as outside of construction ... , we tend not to see growth in such beings, but as time passes, we often see repair and decomposition and coral reefs visit such beings ... .

... An Interesting Word for a Certain Kind of Change

Yet we do not, of course, require ecology in order to forecast changes in being cyclically; after all, we do have the concept of life cycle, which applies to change both animate and inanimate (by analogy, as in Software Development Life Cycle).

Identity by Forecast

Face Age Progression



Infinite Categories

Topos Theory

An Ecology of Species ~ An Ecology of Function

Entropy and Diversity

Information in Living Systems