Thursday, May 2, 2013

asemic 4 the forker

by Jefferson Hansen


 Jefferson Hansen edits, a free, Internet arts journal. The current issue includes two galleries of filmed asemic writing guest edited by Micheal Jacobson.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


                                      Eye of the Beholder

Captured in this instance 
suspended between intervals
a blink of an eye in slow motion 
biting time, a pull here, a push there
in a flash it goes, as though it never was
but something was captured, an impression
which alters perception, accordingly in quantum
what appears is only relative to that moments catch
with infinite possibilities in store at perceptions stretch.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Center for Book Arts: 2013 Auction Spotlight: Rosaire Appel

Center for Book Arts: 2013 Auction Spotlight: Rosaire Appel: Like graphic novels and cutting edge visual design? Then we have the piece for you! Rosaire Appel is an exciting New York artist whose ...