Monday, July 9, 2012


Gate of Gator


Joy Angerlove and the sentics of asemics

A lot of  asemic writings  have an element of  expressive handwriting.
 I thought this was an interesting experiment by scientist/mucisian  Manfred Clynes.

(emotion : pressure + time)

 "Specific emotions --- anger, hate, grief, love, sex, joy and reverence --- produce distinct muscle movement. They’re the same in Mexico, Japan, Indonesia, and upstate New York." (.. ) (.. )"I decided to use the expressive pressure movement of one finger as a standardized basic measure of expressed fantasized emotion. In my experiments, the subject sits in a straight-back chair and rests the middle finger of his right hand on a finger rest. I ask him to fantasize a given emotion (say, anger or love) for the next few minutes. Whenever he hears a signal --- a soft click --- he is to express that emotion as precisely as possible through the single, transient pressure of the finger."

 I tested it in this drawing;  (pressure  roughly translated in speed+size). Looks like the loveline probably had quite a bit of sex in it ...

It seems rather obvious if you're used to drawing a lot, but maybe A.I. professor Marvin minsky offered an intersting viewpoint; "For if distinct signals arouse specific states, the child can associate those signals with those states. Just knowing that such states exist, that is, having symbols for them, is half the battle. If those signals are uniform enough, then from social discourse one can learn some rules about the behavior caused by those states. Thus a child might learn that conciliatory signals can change anger into affection. Given that sort of information, a simple learning machine should be able to construct a 'finite-state person model."

 Or maybe in combination with the text-image continuum ....

Monday, July 2, 2012

An anthropomorph brew on a gradual continuum.

I would describe these asemic writings as an anthropomorph brew of  charicature, kinetics, gestures  and pseudo-writing.
I like to think of asemic writing as an inbetween or threshold phenomenon outside of conventional categories.
 On Tim Gaze's gradual Text-image continuum   the writing would probably be positioned between asemic writing and abstract images and the illustrations between abstract images and recognizable images.
The 'plankton' illustrations are elaborating on that concept of a gradual continuum.
They were set up similar to the writing but evolved until they now situate somewhere between scribbles, writing and some kind of primal organic entities.

Sunday, June 10, 2012




In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary year of the Decentralized Networker Congress,
we are organizing a series of events, exhibitions, and actions in 4 locations around the globe.
The Decentralized Networker Congress of 1992, Initially conceived by Networker H.R. Fricker, 
and coordinated by Peter W. Kaufman eventually involved over 500 artists from 25 countries and over 250 events. 
The original text is as follows :

Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress 1992 (NC92)

Where two or more artists/networkers meet in the course of 1992, a congress
will take place. The Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress will serve
as a meeting point for all kinds of networkers. The meaning of the common
role as networkers should be the focus of the discussion.

As Networking options have expanded since 1992, and with the variety of media available to us now, we seek to expand this concept, and while honoring Mailart and face to face meeting, we are looking for all kinds of manifestations. Along with H.R. Fricker, the Congresses originator, and our Honorary organizer, we look forward to a re-energizing of these concepts, and expanded interactions within the network. 
During the days of November 2, 3, and 4, 2012 Exhibitions will take place in 4 locations, in 4 distinctly different time zones. 
Galleries in Cornwall ( UK ), Odzaci ( Serbia ), Ponte Nossa (Italy), and Roanoke ( USA ) will host these exhibitions as well as serve as Downloading sites and Documentation centers, with abilities to Interact with performing Networkers through Skype and Secondlife. Performances and activities will be streamed live from all 4 locations using Bambuser and/or Livestream. Please send Mailart, documentation of Congresses, texts, collages, rants, postcards, poems, add and pass sheets, mythologies, videos, slogans, photographs, diaries, artifacts, envelopes, address lists, cassettes...
Or any kind of interaction to :

The basement
The Exchange Gallery
Princes Street

Decentralized Networker Congress 2012
Jim Leftwich
Keith Buchholz
525 10th St SW
Roanoke, VA 24016

Nenad Bogdanovic
Multimedial Art Studio / MAS Gallery 
25250 Odzaci,
S. Markovica 41,

Emilio Morandi
Via S Bernadino .88 24028 Ponte Nossa
Bergamo, ITALY

No Fees, No jury, No returns.
Specific information regarding Skype interaction will follow nearer in time to the events, please drop us a line or E-Mail us regarding performance at * E-Mail artists, please send your printable works to the same address, and they will be exhibited at all locations. Documentation online at Textimagepoetry and several other sites. Hard Copies of all woks, video, and documentation, as well as original copies sent to Roanoke will become a permanent part of “Networker Archives”, a permanent public archive project in Chicago (USA), developed by Keith Buchholz. 
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Rebecca Weeks, Jim Leftwich, Keith Buchholz, Nenad Bogdanovic, Emilio Morandi, H.R.Fricker (Organizers)



Wednesday, May 30, 2012

calligraphy by Zhang Xu, with coloured glitch

slightly glitched calligraphy by Zhāng Xù (張旭) taken from a Ukrainian site: pointed out to me by MkJcbsn.

does anyone know what "нерозміреність" / "nerozmirenist" means?